Neither Nintendo nor Funcom has accepted refunds. The price was high (SEK 449, or EUR 45) and I really feel robbed of the money. The worst is that I bought the game from the Nintendo eStore based on screenshots that later were found out to be from the PC game, looking much crisper. The 1-day “graphics fix” patch didn’t do anything for hand-held (and frankly I’m not sure if it did in docked either). It is VERY blurry, it stutters badly, it is slow. Game is totally unplayable in hand-held mode (also look 20 year old in docked), the port has to be one of the worst ever made and totally Game is totally unplayable in hand-held mode (also look 20 year old in docked), the port has to be one of the worst ever made and totally ruins the game-and the franchise for us that looked forward to playing it on Switch.